Sunday, April 21, 2013

My baby is growing up!

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Merry Christmas to us!!
Maximus Bradley Rogers was born at 6:45pm on December 20, 2012. He is absolutely beautiful and we are in love. Welcome to the world little man!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Every superhero needs a cape! David's mom made David and his brother capes to try out for the show Wipeout (still waiting to hear if they got picked) and Sebastian got all jealous that daddy had one and he didn't. So Grammie came through for him too and now he has his own cape and wears it EVERYWHERE. Yes, I'm THAT mom with THAT kid. Ugh. I don't understand how an 18 monther already knows he wants to wear a cape. It's a little embarrassing at church though when he's the only kid wearing a cape with a suit on. Awesome. Oh boys will be boys. Love that face!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Less than 100...
...days until Baby boy 2 comes! This pregnancy definitely has gone by faster than with Sebastian. I'm too busy this time to keep track of exactly how far along I am or what size of fruit the baby is. That's a good thing too because last time I drove myself insane waiting. The only thing I'm looking forward to now is counting down the days until I get this fat suit off. I swear I'm WAYYYYY bigger this time. Maybe it's my imagination but I just feel gigantic and so overly round. My hips hurt so bad from the extra weight. I just want my body back. Anyhow, 99 days left and I am SOOOO excited. Now to convince my difficult husband to let me chose the name this time. Afterall, I'm the one doing all the work!! Am I right?!
Monday, August 13, 2012
My sister's curse/blessing
David and I were finally able to find out what we're having on Saturday. Everyone but Autumn guessed it was a girl, but I just KNEW it was another boy. I'm actually happy because I think Sebastian will love a brother more than a sister, but I just hope that our last and final attempt produces curls and frilly bows. For now, we're just happy the baby is healthy and I'm over half done. I'm also glad that I already have all the boy baby stuff so I won't worry about spending lots of money on pretty things that we can't afford. Bring on the brown and blue again! :) Now onto baby boy names. That's gonna be tricky. Sebastian was already a stretch to come up with :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Merry Christmas...a little early!
SO, I guess it's time to let the cat out of the bag. David and I are expecting another baby on or around Christmas day!! I know, I know awesome planning but sometimes these things can't be planned. :) I just hope the little guy (or girl) doesn't blame me forever for being ripped off at his birthdays. We're super excited and anxiously waiting to find out what the wee one is. We had an ultrasound yesterday to find out the sex but the baby was too modest and didn't want us peeking. That's okay, we can wait another month I guess. I'm just happy that he/she is happy. It was too cute because the baby was pointing and hiccupping when we were watching and we got some great pictures. I'm so excited and ready to not be sick anymore. Hurry up Christmas, I'm dying in this heat!
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