Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So I'm a little embarrassed to admit this considering that this book will most likely become the next teen sensation (at which point I can NEVER admit that not only did I read them but couldn't get enough of them), but I'm OBSESSED with the Hunger Games series. Last night, Amy and I ventured to Barnes and Nobles to wait in line for the midnight release of Mockingjay. I couldn't wait another possible second to get my hands on the gem. We are so obsessed with Peeta and I even contemplated making "TEAM PEETA" shirts to show our support, but ran outta time. Needless to say, the activities weren't as cool as I thought they would be but we had a blast. It was just so fun to whine and complain about waiting and speculate about what will happen. I planned on staying awake all night and finishing it so that Amy couldn't beat me, but fell asleep after chapter 3 (not the book's fault; it's awesome, but I was just so tired). But I don't care what I have to do to finish it tonight, I'm gonna do it. Spoiler alert: THE BOOK IS FREAKING AWESOME!
Anyone else out there as devouted as us?


Melissa said...

Hello, when did you get obsessed? I thought you were just sayin' you should read the books? Anyway, I just read #1 last week and then couldn't take it and bought #2 yesterday and finished it TODAY and then ordered #3 online--too much of a cheapie to pay more at B and N. But am DYING to read it, so maybe I'll borrow yours? :) It's probably good though, I have lots of grown up stuff to do this week.

Cindy said...

YES! I am and I want to buy one so bad, but I am going to wait until my mom is done with hers...stupid student budget! haha. So, it's amazing???? I'm so jealous...

The Romney Family said...

Hunger Games--what?? That is SO last week. haha jk TEAM PEETA 4 EVER! Or, at least until they do become the next Twilight, and then I will pretend I have no idea what you're talking about.

And oh my gosh, I can never comment on your blog again until you change "sweetums" back to "comments" or something equally unoffensive.

Olivia Carter said...

So cool that you went! FUN! I went to one in Oregon and it wasn't that neat either.

I agree with what you said about the book too. She's a master at making it so you can't predict what will happen! It's wild!