Monday, February 7, 2011


...less than 100 days until our little boy is born. It's been SO long and so fast. Now I'm starting to freak out a little, I'm not gonna lie. Do I really have to give birth?? I'm terrified.

In other news, we went to a big Super Bowl party yesterday that was a blast. I didn't even know it was time for the Super Bowl again until we got invited on Saturday. I voted for the Packers, but was mostly there for the food. My stomach still hurts. Not sure why when all I ate was pizza, little smokees, chips n' dip, fruit and veggi tray, oreo truffles, candy, soda, buffalo/chicken wings, and rolls. Let me just say, they don't mix well. I've got to get back to the GYM TODAY!! Yikes.


Lindsey said...

Haha about the Super Bowl food. That does sound like a winning combination of foods...especially for a pregnant lady.

And about giving birth, you could travel back in time to when they used to knock women out while they gave birth. But, trust me....the pain is worth the experience.

The pain (and memory of how painful it is) will fade quickly, but you will always remember how you felt when you see your little boy for the first time. Wow, getting a little tear-eyed for you :)

The Romney Family said...

That's all you ate and you felt sick? Ew, what has happened to you? Not living with me anymore doesn't seem to be agreeing with your system. BTW, congrats on less than 100 days!!! Lucky! I still have 300+ days till my little one comes! What the heck? I'm so behind!

And P.S. Dude, whatev, you know you LOVE oatmeal. Remember how you used to

The Romney Family said...

(whoops didn't finish!)

...pretend you knew what was good and what was nasty, but you were always wrong and I was right??? That was fun.