Monday, May 4, 2009

What is this world coming to?

Isn't this supposed to say "Just Married!?" David and I saw this car when we went to walk around the Gateway one day. At first we laughed and then I got a little sad. I guess some people don't have happy marriages so a divorce would be a relief but it just made me wonder what is wrong with this world and the crazy people in it.
On a less depressing note, this is David and what happened to his teeth because he never goes to the dentist! Isn't he cute?!


Lindsey said...

I agree...that window sign is kind of sad.

I hope David brushed his teeth before bed!

The Romney Family said...

Um, a) very sad and b) wow, your husband is disgusting. haha jk

The Romney Family said...

P.S. Can you spot the typo in your profile? ;)

Dave to Claire said...

THANKS you crazy english nazi. i'm SO embarrassed that I didnt catch that earlier. what a relief that you're my friend. haha