Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday David!

Happy 24th Birthday David! I hope you have a great day with lots of fun secret activities. I took a few pictures of the festivities thus far, and there will be more to come. I sure love birthdays, especially when they're not my own. I'm so glad that Smith's was open at 6 a.m. when I needed balloons!
David, I sure love you! I hope this is one of many great birthdays to come. It's your day, go wild! haha
(Revised skateboard cake from last "birthday!)


Lindsey said...

Love the skateboard cake!

Happy Birthday David!

Sara said...

Cute cake Claire! Happy Birthday David! You're in your mid-twenties now!

The Romney Family said...

Sounds like you gave David a great birthday--I'm so glad things went well this year. :) That's awesome about renting the Super 8 room. Is that fairly cheap to do or not really? It might be fun for us to try to do something like that for a ward activity sometime...

Anyway, we just got back from Maryland on Saturday afternoon. Had a great time, but it's nice to be home for a bit before we head back. We're all kind of worn out. It was perfect to have today off, though, so we could all just chill together before Nathan gets back into school. On the up side, his conference went well and he basically has two internship offers now, but on the down side, that's making it hard for him to care much about his grades anymore. Yikes. haha jk (Sort of...) It'll be nice when spring term is finally over.

Well, Kate's just going down and we've got the 24 season finale waiting for us (a week late--we missed it while we were in MD), so I better run and see if we can squeeze this in before bedtime. Hope you guys are doing well--so glad you get a couple breaks from Utah, too. Hope you have a blast in Cali and Montana.

Love you,


P.S. Ew, I do not like Sara's comment about being in our "mid-twenties." What the heck. That's just a year or two shy of "late 20s" which basically equals 30. Kill me.