Thursday, June 24, 2010

Finally, some Summer

David and I are headed here this weekend to enjoy a nice relaxing weekend with Melissa and Brandon and Co. I havent been to Bear Lake since I was a kid so I'm pumped to be going again. David and I had our first summer camping adventure last weekend up Diamond Fork Canyon and it was super fun. Sometimes I cant decide if I love or hate camping though. I love everything until the night-time comes and I'm freezing cold. Then the sun finally comes up and youre so excited for about a minute and then the tent is boiling hot. It will so be worth it to enjoy the outdoors and get away from Provo for a bit. Let's pray nobody burns the building down when we're gone (although I wouldn't be surprised either way). I'm a little ashamed to be camping next to Melissa though because they do NOT know how to rough it. They bought a freakin tent heater for crying out loud! I complain, but I'm secretly planning on sneaking in their 10 PERSON tent at night, kicking Brandon out to go stay in our tent with David, and happily following a sleep all warm and cozy and snuggling with cute, smiley Cory Baby. A Reeses smore has my name on it and I can't wait till tomorrow! Hope you're doing something fun this weekend too!


Cindy said...

Well, Well, Well...I hope you have fun NOT going to dinner with me on Friday. haha, jk. We'll do Monday! Have fun@ Can't wait to see you!

Lindsey said...

You almost made me want to camp. Almost :)

Robnz Fam said...

Um. A reeces smore?! Why did you write that??? I'm TOTALLY craving one now and I can't do a thing about it for another 5 weeks. Tell me how it is, actually, don't...I will crave one even more. Seriously. Smores and reeces are my two favorite things.

Have a great weekend!! Just bring extra blankets ;0).