Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy 2nd!

Yesterday was our two year anniversary. I cant believe we've been married that long already and no longer have to be labeled "newly weds." David surprised me with tickets to the Utah Jazz game because we had been talking about going FOREVER and reservations to The New Yorker in SLC. The New Yorker was a very swanky, expensive restaurant (you know the kind where you actually have to dress up and they take your coat at the door?) and the food was to die for. Dressing up for me meant getting a preggo dress from Motherhood Maternity last minute yesterday because I discovered that I no longer can squeeze into my skirts. I've gotten big this last week. We had fun trying to eat correctly and not make a fool of ourselves. I had the most amazing steak I have ever had in my life and David had roasted pheasant (sounds weird but I assure you it was awesome....especially nestled over basil mashed potatoes. You'd have to try to to truly understand) . Both were out-of-this world amazing. My dinner also came with creme brulee with fresh fruit and a piroette on top. It was DELICIOUS. Normally I despise creme brulee but this one was awesome. I had my eye on the chocolate mouse sundae but knew better than to eat chocolate (it makes me brutally ill now that I'm preggo....a huge CROCK if you ask me) so I"m glad we went for it. I loved it. We practically had to be wheeled out of the restaurant afterwards because we ate every last thing on the plate. Side note: the bathrooms were so crazy nice too. I stayed in there forever and kept using the creamy, yummy-smelling lotion. I made David go use the restroom just so he could see for himself. haha We stole a bunch of match books when they went to get out coats because we wanted to get our moneys worth. So embarrasssing and white trash, but what can you do??

The game was super fun too. I forgot how much I love going to real games. We were up in the nosebleeds and tried to sneak down at half time. We had it all planned out which seats we were going to steal, but somone miscalculated by one row because the people with the actual tickets came back and made up move. Back up to the nosebleeds for us where nobody checks your tickets. Oh well, it was a great and FUN evening. Happy 2nd sweetie!


brooke field said...

happy anniversary!!

brooke field said...

ps: how is the baby coming along??