Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What's new with us

I have been dreading updating my blog for about 2 weeks. I'm really not sure why, I've just been in a blogging funk lately. Here's what we've been up to...
1-Amy threw me a surprise baby shower a couple weeks ago that was so fun and nice and I was completely SHOCKED! It was my first surprise party ever and I was so grateful for everyone that came and bought little baby X adorable baby gifts. Thank you EVERYONE that came and for the wonderful gifts. We are so grateful. Did I mention that I got this adorable giraffe that makes music/white noise for the baby that I'm OBSESSED with. Step aside Winky (Amy), Mr. Giraffe is the next cool thing. I love playing it for our baby before I go to bed. It's a MUST HAVE.
2-Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays. February and March are what I like to refer to as "Birthday season." It's starts with Melissa's bday and now ends with little Alli's bday. From the beginning of February until half way through March, I'm being stuffed full of sugar and cakes and cheesecakes and brownies. Hard to stay in the recommended weight gain when you don't see fruit or veggies for weeks on end. I had a great bday again this year. It was pretty low key and just what I wanted. We went to eat at Carrabbas (all-time favorite restaurant) and then Costco cheesecake afterwards while we watched my new Snow White.
3-Crazy nights at Roman(ce) Gardens. Last night on our way back from our birthing class (which I love, love, love BTW), we got a call from one of our tenants telling us there was a crazy naked guy in the hot tub. AWESOME! We asked if anyone had called the cops yet, but apparently everyone was too scared. We were about to call ourselves, when we got another call saying the cops had just arrived and were waiting to talk to us. We hurried home as quick as we could and the cops start asking us if we know how this guy was because he was claiming to be the owner of Roman Gardens. I said, "Yeah, too bad the owner lives in California and is NOT this guy!" Eveyrone from the complex was unconspicuously watching the high action outside, huddled in groups whispering because this is the ONLY action Provo ever sees. It took 5 cops to finally convince him to leave and take him away because he was certifiably NUTS. The cops told us he just got out of jail 2 days ago. That's the most excitement RG has seen since the pool turned a horrible shade of green. I love my job! ha


Lindsey said...

Eww...about the naked guy.

Carrabbas is one of my all time favorite restaurants too!

Can't wait to meet your little guy :)

The Romney Family said...

Fina-FREAKIN-lly! Been waiting for this for like 5 years. Can't believe Birthday Season is almost over. Kind of sad, actually... haha Except that I'm so sick of treats and cake that I've actually committed to 30 Days No Sugar. (And you of all people would know it takes a LOT to get me to take such a drastic step!) I've been "clean" for 3 whole days now. haha Feels great. It's like coming home from Australia--the pounds are suddenly just melting away!

P.S. I don't get what's the big deal with the guy in the hot tub? Since when is skinny-dipping not ok? haha jk That's so scary! Just got out of jail? Um, yikes!