Monday, August 13, 2012

My sister's curse/blessing

David and I were finally able to find out what we're having on Saturday. Everyone but Autumn guessed it was a girl, but I just KNEW it was another boy. I'm actually happy because I think Sebastian will love a brother more than a sister, but I just hope that our last and final attempt produces curls and frilly bows. For now, we're just happy the baby is healthy and I'm over half done. I'm also glad that I already have all the boy baby stuff so I won't worry about spending lots of money on pretty things that we can't afford. Bring on the brown and blue again! :) Now onto baby boy names. That's gonna be tricky. Sebastian was already a stretch to come up with :)


Valerie said...

Yay! Congratulations! I'm excited for you, and I also hope you get frills with a future attempt, too.

Unknown said...

yeah fun!

brooke field said...

You're right, he'll love a brother. Can't wait to hear your name options...