Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Less than 100...

...days until Baby boy 2 comes! This pregnancy definitely has gone by faster than with Sebastian. I'm too busy this time to keep track of exactly how far along I am or what size of fruit the baby is. That's a good thing too because last time I drove myself insane waiting. The only thing I'm looking forward to now is counting down the days until I get this fat suit off. I swear I'm WAYYYYY bigger this time. Maybe it's my imagination but I just feel gigantic and so overly round. My hips hurt so bad from the extra weight. I just want my body back. Anyhow, 99 days left and I am SOOOO excited. Now to convince my difficult husband to let me chose the name this time. Afterall, I'm the one doing all the work!! Am I right?!


The Romney Family said...

I will NEVER believe that you didn't still keep track of what size fruit your baby is this time around. What-freakin-ever. I was on my third pregnancy and still followed poppyseed to pumpkin RELIGIOUSLY, thank you very much. haha Can't believe you are so close to being done! I can't wait to hear how things go--and I really, really, really can't wait to see you and your fat preggo self in less than a month!!!

The Romney Family said...

And don't get TOO excited to lose the "fat suit" cuz apparently the pounds don't always drop off instantly after giving birth. What the heck? Two months later, I am still sporting an extra fifteen pounds. I want to shoot myself. Liposuction, anyone?

Melissa said...

David, stop having an opinion and let the woman have her way. She let you have the name Sebastian after all and she deserves it! Plus I see you right now and you are not fat, whatever. You are cute per usual.