Sunday, April 21, 2013


Since I put up some photos of Maximus, I thought I'd sneak one up of Sebastian too. This is pretty much what he looks like every Sunday. Sometimes he wears the hat, sometime we can hide it and get him not to wear it. It's weird too because normally he HATES wearing hats, but for some reason he's obsessed with his wedding hat and wants to wear it whenever he dresses up on Sunday. We love our little naughty toddler!


The Romney Family said...

P.S. No, it's definitely "ketchup". You are so wrong and I am right right right. Haha Ok, fine, you are right, but I was doing my best to come up with a SLIGHTLY more creative title than I usually do, and it seemed more fun to say KETCHUP. Because, you know, pretty much everything is better with condiments of some sort.

brooke field said...

both of your boys are adorable!

Melissa said...

he looks like the lepraucan!

The Romney Family said...

Right, cuz I'm sure you're going to blog ALL the time once your iPhone arrives! haha Whatever. Besides, I've got exactly the opposite problem--with the new phone, I've got all kinds of new ways to occupy my time! Blogging has been pushed even farther down the priority list. :) Blog? What blog?? Do people still do that? You must mean my Instagram account!