Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Green Eggs and...

(Kiss me I'm Irish!...literally)
Happy St. Patty's Day Everyone! Holidays are the best. I will celebrate just about anything just to do something fun and different. This morning, I decided to make David breakfast and dye everything in the house green....Well, not EVERYTHING, but just everything he ate. He had green scrambled eggs (that looked so nasty), green pancakes, and green OJ. To get back at me, he took the yogurt I was eating and proceeded to dye that green for me. And since he is such a good boy, a Irish lepracon even came to visit him and brought him chocolate gold coins and a card. He decided to use the coins for eyes, but all and all it was a good morning. Tonight we're headed over to Brandon and Melissa's house for some yummy food and Rockband on their new idol...errr...I mean flat screen TV! I made this cheesecake (which of course I died green) that will probably make us all have a heart attack. Let's just say that it's called Chocolate-Chocolate chip cookie dough caramel cheesecake explosion. I'm a little scared. haha Anyhow, hope you all have a fun green day!


Lindsey said...

How fun. His breakfast looks very appetizing! Have fun tonight...that cheesecake sounds heavenly.

So, when are you and David making a roadtrip out here?!!!

The Romney Family said...

So fun. I'm glad you made the cheesecake--you'll have to let me know how it turns out.

Rebecca said...

You're so cute and fun Claire!

How can dying something green make it look SO disgusting?? Maybe it goes back to not liking green vegetables as a kid? I don't know, but if I dyed Robby's food green, he wouldn't have touched it, no matter what it was! :)

Sara said...

So did David actually eat that breakfast? Maybe if he shut his eyes first? So how was the cheesecake? It's been my experience that the more ingredients to a cheesecake, the better.

Angel Kae said...

Claire, you are officially the cutest/best wife ever!

Dave to Claire said...

For all you who keep asking if he actually ATE the food, the answer is YES! He is always a good sport about everything and it did taste good. And the cheesecake was outta of this world good.