Thursday, April 15, 2010


It's officially getting warm in our neck of the woods and not a moment too soon! David is opening the complex pool next week and I'm pretty excited...mostly to get people off my backs with their pestering "When will the pool be open? The place across the street opened theirs last week." My normal response is "Feel free to go swim across the street then!" What children (or students in our case) forget to remember is that we will most likely have another snow or extremely cold day before it's officially warm and safe to have it open. Whatever, if the pipes bust I"ll just put it their bill! Other than the normal idiocy I deal with most days, I"m in a very good mood because it's warm out. I'm dreaming of swimming in the ocean and relaxing on the beach. I still can't remember why I live in Utah. Oh yeah, David is a forever student! One can dream...


The Romney Family said...

You poor sap--you actually think spring has arrived??? I'm sorry but have you or have you not lived in Utah for SEVEN YEARS? You of all people should know this is just the annual "Fake Spring" as in, "Hi, my name is Utah and I'm a super lame state and love to make people as miserable as I am so I am going to pretend to get really nice and warm for a few days so everyone thinks spring has come at last, and then guess what, I'M GOING TO SNOW AGAIN FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS AND MONTHS. And just when everyone thinks it couldn't get any worse, I'm suddenly going to stop snowing and turn my temperature gauge up to 110 degrees and burn everyone's butts all summer long until I decide to switch to winter again, cuz guess what, I don't do spring or fall here--EVER. Ha ha suckers. Too bad for you! Should have picked somewhere better to live like...oh, gee, ANYWHERE."

The Romney Family said...

Anyway, sorry to burst your cute, pathetic little bubble, but...just thought you should be reminded of the FACTS. Now go read Firefly Lane again and bawl your eyes out cuz that's just what we do.

Dave to Claire said...

I am never going to be your friend again, Amy, after that comment and especially after that book. Did i mention that I was reading the ending at the gym and was literally bawling my eyes out on the stair stepper and started hyperventalating?? Ummmm...that was so embarrassing and super cool and all but YOU SUCK!
Too bad you were right about Utah and it's gay weather and about how much I would depise/LOVE that book. Do you ever get sick of being right? IDTSLTIC Someone's gotta do it I guess.