Monday, November 1, 2010

Costumes delivered

As promised, here are pics of our costumes for Halloween 2010. Let me just say, I think they are the best yet. I thought last year would be hard to out due, but this year's were much my professional opinion. We had such a fun Halloween this year. David's mom and dad and sister, Cassie, came to visit us. We took them to the Haunted Forest Friday night and then costume bowling on Saturday night, along with going out to dinner all dressed up. David and I got some dirty looks from the older generations, but they just don't know what's cool. I don't care what they say, our costumes were tight! Hope you had a blast too!

In case there's any question as to what we are: I'm a pimp and David's my ho. And Yes we went there. lol


The Romney Family said...

Yo yo, dawg, your costumes are super fly! haha Nicely done, nicely done. I love David's parents' costumes, too--wish we could have met up with them! We needed a tin man. haha So glad you had a fun Halloween! Sounds awesome.

Cindy said...

Oh my gosh, that is awesome! haha! You always have the best costumes. So to answer your question...what do you mean? I was always cute and loving when u girls would watch TV and the DUMBEST shows ever invented for hours... haha! Lifetime channel anyone? FYI, Prison break is freaking awesome with the hottest freaking guy ever as the main actor. Cindy likey. :)

Sara said...

You really delivered on costumes this year! And fun that you got to spend the holiday with David's fam. Just think--next year year you'll have a baby to dress up!

brooke field said...

awesome! especially love the exposed belly!!