Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's a...

Sorry that this post is going to be quick and lame but I thought I'd just quickly say that we're having a....


at first I was super sad because I wanted a girl so badly, but now I'm really glad it's a boy. I like the whole older brother thing and I'm getting more excited now that I've got some super cute clothes. I'm mostly excited to be half way done with the pregnancy and be able to eat more normally. I plumped up at Christmas so hopefully that means little baby boy is getting bigger and not just me! :) We had an ultrasound on Monday and he looks soooo cute. The tech said, "Yep he's still a boy!" so I guess it's official. Sorry for all the people who guess girl, that was my original hope too.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and enjoy your New Year's. David and I are off on a cruise to Jamaica and Grand Cayman for our New Year's and can NOT wait. Hello sun...


The Romney Family said...

Ha--I win! I was the ONLY vote for boy on your poll! So what do I get? What's my prize? :) haha jk

Sorry I didn't really say bye the other day--I forgot you guys were leaving so soon so I was planning to come by this week and drop off those cinnamon rolls! Things have just been so crazy, I totally spaced. I hope you have the most awesome time ever! Live it up cuz once Baby Boy comes, relaxation won't be quite so easy to come by! haha But that's ok cuz kids make it more than worth it. Can't believe you're already halfway done! Call me when you get back so I can come see you and hear all about your fabulous trip.

Kim and DeAnn said...

haven't looked at your blog for awhile, and surprise for me, so happy for you. You will LOVE your boy. That is wonderful, congratulations! Say hello to your mom for me.

Lindsey said...

I never saw the poll...but my vote was boy.

I originally wanted a boy first for the whole older brother thing. It will be great.

Glad to hear you are feeling a little better.

brooke field said...

Yeah for baby boy!! That's so exciting! And have fun in the sun, we went to Grand Cayman for our honeymoon and it was the best. Be sure to get some jerk chicken!

Sara said...

So do you have any names picked out? Boy names are so hard (at least for us.) Glad you're taking a fun vacation while you still can, because let's be honest--there's no such thing as a vacation with kids!

Kent and Krista Stevenson said...

Claire, I was EXACTLY the same way and now I am so glad that we had a boy first. Excited for you!

The Romney Family said...

I'm sorry, how long have you been back from you trip now? Are you gonna post about it or what? Freakin A, YOU know how it is. GET TO IT. Or at least come over and tell me about it!