Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Love day

Note: david is also wearing pink for pre-Vday

Happy Valentine's day everyone! Okay, so I know that it's not technically until TOMORROW but I tricked David and celebrated it today. We're still going to celebrate tomorrow too but I gave him my stuff this morning before work so he was actually surprised. He got to wake up to this, this morning. Too bad he's embarassed by me and took all the heart off before work. I still got a laugh out of him, so I win!
This is a horrible picture of me, but I'm wearing my pink Vday clothes!


Liz said...

What a sweet wife you are! I should have decorated Jason's ..... OH wait. he walks to work. Or takes the bus. That would have been tricky. Oh well he will just have to settle for the cheesecake pan I got for him. (Which I shouldn't point out that I will also benefit from. :) P.S. I still need your mailing address. Email it to OK? Hope you are doing well!

Lindsey said...

Okay, I just found the blog Claire...why have you been holding out on us?!!!

Cute idea for David for V-day.

Hope you are doing well.

The Romney Family said...

You're so cute--I'll bet David was feeling very loved. :) Oh, poor Nathan... haha Anyway, yah, about my b-day... Sorry for the lack of updates. We just really don't have anything super exciting planned. At 12:30, I'm going over to Becca's to have lunch with her and Jessamyn. (She's having Jessamyn over to check out her house and give her some design tips.) If you had any desire to swing by, I'm sure Bec would love to see you, and I obviously would too. Then that night, Nathan and I are just gonna do pizza for dinner (not super exciting, I know, but I am dying for some Hawaiian style, which really isn't Nathan's fave so we never get it, but he says for my birthday, he'll let me call the shots, so pizza it is!), and then we'll have some cake, which Nathan insists on taking care of (should be interesting... haha Just kidding!), and maybe we'll watch a movie or play games or something. Other than that, I have no plans and would be totally up for anything if you want to get together. You guys are more than welcome to come down for any, all, or none of it, just whatever works for you. I know it's nothing super exciting, but I AM turning 24, so...what can you do? Ew, I'm so old I don't even feel like I DESERVE to have fun. haha No, jk, but we just really feel like keeping it pretty laidback. I think we're just excited for KATE'S birthdays now. Two and a half months down, only 9.5 to go...

Rebecca said...

What the heck Claire, you're holding out on me! Are you trying to hide your new blog from me? Well, if you are, too bad, because I found it and I'll be checking up on you from now on! :) You guys are so cute. I hope you are doing well! Come visit sometime, ok? Like maybe come for lunch on Amy's bday?!?!

The Romney Family said...

And P.S. I forgot to mention that Nathan actually has bishopric meetings that night at 6:30, so he'll probably be gone from then to around 7:30 or 8... So when I said we had nothing exciting going on, I guess I was mistaken! Oh, wait, no I wasn't.