Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear Maternity clothes,

I don't know if you were supposed to fit all the way until the end of the pregnancy or not but I'm sitting here at almost 8 months and things are getting a little too snug for comfort. My rather large wardrobe that my friend Amy gave me is now severly limited to the few giant shirts that still fit...yes, the same giant shirts that when she first dropped them off I thought to myself "if these EVER fit me I will kill myself." My pants still fit so hopefully they'll last the remaining 5 weeks....make that 2.5 weeks until I'm "full-term" and then I'll be on the treadmill 24-7 until I can get this baby out. I'm sure I'll regret that the second he does come when 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 feedings come around. I figure since I NEVER sleep now anyhow, I might as well get to hug and kiss our little sweetie. Luckily, I ordered a non-crying, sleep-through-the-night newborn ahead of time. :) I've been mostly fine with this last trimester up until lately. I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin. I never understood that saying until I got pregnant. All I do is waddle and sweat and be uncomfortable. Couple that with the fact that I feel like I'm stuck in a giant fat suit and things aren't going so great. Can I just meet my sweet little man yet? He's plenty big now if you ask me. Please oh Please be one of the 5% that come early. I know, wishful thinking.


brooke field said...

Sounds like you're ready for that baby to pop!

Lindsey said...

Poor Claire. Sounds like you are miserable. Hang in there. At the end, I just wore Nathan's t-shirts around the house since I was as large as a tent!

The Romney Family said...

If my clothes don't even fit you anymore, I WANT THEM BACK! Might be needing them soon. :)

Sorry you're so uncomfortable. You LOOK cute at least, and isn't that all that matters? haha You're SO close--hang in there, just a few more weeks. And please, please don't go early. I'm going out to visit Liz from May 3-8, so just hold on till after then, ok?

Sara said...

Ha ha! I totally understand! How long will your doc let you go after your due date? I REALLY REALLY hope you get one who sleeps through the night. Kinda unlikely though...