Tuesday, January 20, 2009

BYU honor code 101

In case you haven't heard, David is taking a night Spanish class at the BYU-Salt Lake Center this semester. And attending BYU requires you to adhere to the Honor code...aka you have to have short hair if you're a guy. What that really means is no more cute curls for David! We decided to buzz David's hair so that it doesn't require constant up-keep, while he's attending class this semester. Poor David isn't too thrilled with the new look, but I still think he looks great.Here are a few pictures of long vs. buzzed-haired Davey!
(Before shot: was his hair really that long?)
(Bye Bye gorgeous hair)
(Sportin' the mohawk!)
(Ahhh...isn't he adorable?! I sure think so)
Now if we can just take care of his facial hair, he'll be ready to go!

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